Monday, July 26, 2010

Bio Oil does not work :( Does Rosehip Oil works better for scars??

I used Bio Oil but it doesnt work for my acne scars cause i have acne too. I heard that Rosehip oil is better for the scars. Is that true??

Thanks a lot....Cocoa Butter doesnt work either and i used it for 3 years now :(Bio Oil does not work :( Does Rosehip Oil works better for scars??
Hi, If its acne scars, you will need to keep a high SPF sunblock on your face daily to prevent the UV light from making the scars any darker to start with (irritation on skin + UV light = darker pigmentation). Try a special sunblock for the face only to avoid greasy ones. Use an SPF 30 everyday with out fail.

Then you will need to use something like a Vitamin C product or Vitamin A (retinol) or other clinical strength product to help fade the scarring. You will need to see a beauty therapist or dermatologist about this if you are serious about seeing a result. Most of the products you will get over the counter ie pharmacy and grocery store just arent going to cut it Im afraid, their level of active ingredients in them is minimal.

Most beauty therapists will see you for a free consultation or a nominal fee which is refundable against any purchase you make in their clinic.

Good luck.Bio Oil does not work :( Does Rosehip Oil works better for scars??
Omg, I have the same problem as you. Its quite annoying. I had acne a while back and now I'm still seeing the scars that were left behind. I haven't tried bio oil, but thanks for letting me know that it doesn't work. I too have tried cocoa butter after hearing good things about it, but it hasn't worked for me. I also used rosehip oil, but as you can guess, I still have the scars. Also, rosehip oil is not for someone with normal or oily skin I think because it made me break out! I was so frustrated! I haven't tried anything that really works, but I've read online that in time some scars will fade eventually....

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