Monday, July 26, 2010

If new skin cells are always forming, and the skin you have changes every couple years, then why the scars?

Ya know?If new skin cells are always forming, and the skin you have changes every couple years, then why the scars?
Wounds or scars are classified by depth, that means the tissue layers involved in the wound. And when you get a wound or scar regeneration of the tissues occur. How fast this happens depends on the size of the wound, the health of the clint, and type of healing that weill need to occur. If the scarring is greater the repair time is longer. But simply what happens is the that even sometimes years after a scar, or wound fibroblasts continue to sythesize collagen. Then collagen fibers organize and during maturation the wound is remodeled. The scar becomes stronger but the area(s) is never as strong as the original tissue there. But usually if the wound cuts into the layers below the epidermis you will usually develop a scar that never goes away even though the skin is growing, and being washed away all the time.If new skin cells are always forming, and the skin you have changes every couple years, then why the scars?
Sorry I made spelling mistakes! Report Abuse

OMG! I've never thought about that. That's really weird actually...I'll have to check back here later to see what answers have cropped up.
I think it has to do with the fact that when you get a scar, it's basically a new layer of tissue underneath, and new skin... so that it's always a step younger than the surrounding tissue and skin, which has been tanned and developed for much longer.

Interesting question, and my answer is somewhat fuzzy I know.
The body heals by scar tissue. It is like a bridge. It is not normal skin. It may eventually become more normal, but it is going to scar because it needs to bridge the gap.
I'm thinking scar tissue is different from regular skin. If you damage the skin beyond it's natural repair mechanisms, scar tissue begins to form to mend what your skin cannot mend. Scar tissue does not contain skin cells which regenerate.
Scars occur because the wound penetrated into the sdeeper layers of the issue that do not heal as easily as the upper skin levels.

Read more about it :

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