Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Getting rid of Acne Scars and Pimples on the Upper Lip?

I have never had any problems with ance. You know, I get a pimple every now and than and I put a little of this cream I have on it and it's gone over night. Except my upper lip! I have dark hair on my upper lip that has been mistaken as a mustache through out my entire life and I wanted it gone before high school because I was tired of it. So, we are having it laser removed.

Well, anyway right in the middle of my upper lip I have a scar. It's really bad, it's discolored and you can feel where the pimple was, it's almost like pushed in and you can feel the raised sides. What can I do to get rid of it?

The only place I really ever get pimples in in my upper lip. What can I do to help that and make them go away??

Please and thank you!!Getting rid of Acne Scars and Pimples on the Upper Lip?
Do you wear lipstick? or use chapstick? etc.? It's fairly strange to have such an isolated case of acne unless it is due to a product that you are using. So many lip products contain mineral oil and other chemicals in them that completely block the pores. This could be one reason why you are having acne issues there. I really think it is due to a product that you are using, otherwise you would have acne other areas too. I don't think you need to use anything like Proactiv for that one area, you might try to stop using what you are. I would consult an aesthetician or your laser person about your acne scaring. If it's not that noticeable, I would just concentrate on preventing further scaring by figuring what product or group of products are making you break out in that spot.Getting rid of Acne Scars and Pimples on the Upper Lip?
consult skin specialist.
Idk about you but I loooove Pro-activ. I don't have really bad acne but it works so good!!
Mederma is good to get rid of new/fresh scars, but I am not sure about the old ones.
use vaseline. it gets rid of my scars.
i use pro activ maybe you can try that but your not suppose to use it on your lip. Sometimes i use a razor not a shaving razor on my upper lip to scrap some of my dead skin cells on my lip it makes your moustache looks less noticable but be careful. it works for me. and oh yea try some bleaching cream as well =]]
Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out for more useful info.

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